Paccheri 'The Italian'

Sale price$7.50

Paccheri, a dialect term that in Italian means “slap”, or a type of pasta typical of Campania.

They are big macaroni similar to sleeves with a smooth surface; once considered pasta by the poor, because few were enough to fill the dish, they were so called for the sound emitted at the time of to be served.

Just dress them with a good meat sauce or a baked pie to release their appetizing delicacy and a unique and unmistakable taste.

Bronze-Drawn, Slow Drying

Packaging 500 g

Cooking time 8/10 min

100% Italian durum wheat semolina, water.

Average Nutritional Values (per 100 g of product):
Energy value: 357 Kcal/1512 Kj
Fats: 1.4 g
Carbohydrates: 72 g
Protein: 12.5 g
Dietary fiber: 3 g
Sodium: 0.003 g