Spaghetti "L'italiana"

Sale price$5.50

It is the pasta shape that most represents the Italian food culture in the world.

The term comes from a small string and is present in all regional culinary traditions, from North to South Italy.

They are very versatile and go perfectly with many condiments: the spaghetti with tomato and basil is universally preferred.

Made in Italy.

Bronze-Drawn, Slow Drying

Packaging 500 g

Cooking time 8/10 min

100% Italian durum wheat semolina, water.

Average Nutritional Values (per 100 g of product):
Energy value: 357 Kcal/1512 Kj
Fats: 1.4 g
Carbohydrates: 72 g
Protein: 12.5 g
Dietary fiber: 3 g
Sodium: 0.003 g