Traditional Malloreddus "The Italian"

Sale price$6.50

The Malloreddus are a traditional product of Sardinia, in particular from the Campidano, with an elongated shape of an empty stick with the back characterized by parallel (striped) reliefs.

Their name comes from the dialect term Malloru, that is, bull, as their paunchy shape recalls the belly of calves (malloreddus = calves).

In Sardinia, the Malloreddus are the first course of great occasions, on Sunday, Christmas or Easter and are seasoned with very rich and tasty sauces.

Bronze-Drawn, Slow Drying

Packaging 500 g

Cooking time 8/10 min

100% Sardinian durum wheat semolina, water.

Average Nutritional Values (per 100 g of product):
Energy value: 357 Kcal/1512 Kj
Fats: 1.4 g
Carbohydrates: 72 g
Protein: 12.5 g
Dietary fiber: 3 g
Sodium: 0.003 g